Smart Environments
Measuring air quality with (outdoor)
Measuring air quality with (indoor)
SmartAirLamp is an electronic device made by smartme.IO®, based on the ™ architecture and the LoRaWAN® communication system, which lights up in a different color according to the air quality of the surrounding environment. It consists of a 3D printed plastic case of dimensions (118×104 mm) whose main internal component is the™ mignon electronic board (vers.1.3). In addition to the arancino board, there is a Nano LoRa click module, an environmental sensor, a 24 RGB LED crown, a LoRa wireless module and a 4G PCB antenna (for LoRa data transmission). The weather sensor records the temperature, pressure, humidity and VOC data and sends them to the microcontroller present in the mignon. The microcontroller through the LoRa® module sends the score from the sensor to the gateway, and processes it by transforming it into a color code, which it sends to the ring RGB LED (which consequently changes color or rotates based on this code).
Motorsport with
Thanks to the technology, the “SIC – Stretto In Carena” MotoStudent’s team deployed an advanced dashboard for a racing motorcycle. is used for telemetry, geolocation of the motorcycle in track, the management of the graphic dashboard, and the real-time communication with the Engine Control Unit.